Film Festival Cologne

Boros / 2018
Art Direction Film Festival Cologne
Established in 1991, the Film Festival Cologne
(formerly Cologne Conference) is considered one of the leading showcases of the latest extraordinary productions in film and television. Its annual program is comprised of visually outstanding productions, dramatic and documentary films, shorts, panel discussions, and lectures.

To ensure better readability, the circle-heavy identitywas recalibrated to a typography based logo, supported by the red record-dot as an irritating and memorable element that is flexibly changing its position throughout the festival years to come.
Developing the Film Festivals identity became about finding the balance between existing aesthetics of its founding organization and a new and distinct visual language that feels current and flexible enough for decades to come. The final design turns the plain red circle into a recording sign that is universally characteristic for both moving images in film and television.

Grilli Types Cinetype —with its characteristi display qualities— gives a unique cinematic appeal to the identities look. Having no curves, GT Cinetype is exceptionally sharp and crisp throughout all static and moving media.

With every new Festival year the red dot moves to a new position within the logotype. Once this pattern is learned however, the red dot can move within the whole poster format to stand on its own.